Rakes and Leaf Blowers

Rakes and Leaf Blowers

Every autumn I get out my trusty rake and begin to clean up the falling leaves. At first the leaves fall slowly and I only need to rake once a week, but as the weather turns chilly and the sun goes farther south, I rake every day or so. Raking is a therapeutic exercise for me. It is a gathering in of all the beauty […]

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Give Me Your Poor

Give Me Your Poor

Daniel Gilbert is my great-great grandfather.  His mother, Sarah Choules Gilbert, heard the Mormon missionaries preaching near her small town of East Grafton, England and after more investigation, decided she had found truth. She was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and began her quest to go to America. This was not easy. The Gilberts were poor and had a […]

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Connecting as We Lift our Lamp

Connecting as We Lift our Lamp

Last week my neighbor’s daughter sent out a thoughtful email. It was to all of the households on our street and detailed how she was helping with an organization collecting monetary donations to help provide healthy food to those in need. The plan was very hands on, which I liked. The teens would collect the monetary donations and then go shopping to buy ingredients for […]

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Immigrating one by one

Immigrating one by one

Sarah Choules Gilbert is my great great great grandmother. The story of her family’s immigration to America is similar to many other immigration stories. Sarah and her family came to the United States one by one, bit by bit. Sarah’s desire to come to America began one day on a walk home from working as a laundress in Wiltshire, England. She convinced her friend to […]

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Comfort in Trying Times

Comfort in Trying Times

As the USS Comfort pulled into New York Harbor a few weeks ago, this photograph reminded me that Lady Liberty and her beacon of hope can symbolize so much more about America. It can symbolize Americans pulling together to look out for one another. It can symbolize mobilization in turbulent times to take care of one another–to save one another no matter the cost. As […]

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Freedom through Food

Freedom through Food

Food makes us free! I am the great grandson of farmers. These were stout men and women who tirelessly worked dairy farms and grew corn and alfalfa to feed their livestock. They braved harsh winters and sizzling summers hoping and praying that their hard work would literally pay off and feed their families.   I am proud of my hard working ancestors. The fact that I […]

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An Inspiring Life of Love and Service

An Inspiring Life of Love and Service

“A decade ago, one of the finest women I have ever known left a turbulent world for a well earned rest, her eternal sleep. She was my mother-in-law- “Grandmere.” Her life was one, full to the brim; with love for her fellowman, and a cheerful and kindly word for all who knew her. For her family, her life was one of love and sacrifice, that […]

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Centennial Symbol

Centennial Symbol

The Year 2020 has arrived. A new decade is upon us signaling to some the promise of newness and hope and possibilities that we all can reach for and hold onto if we try. On the morning of New Years Day–January 1, 2020–the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California kicked off at 8:00 am PST. This parade is not just any parade. This parade is watched […]

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Journey to Freedom

Journey to Freedom

Minerva Teichert’s Immigrants to New York City (Jewish Refugees) I recently paid a visit to the Brigham Young University Museum of Art. As I wandered through the museum, my eyes were drawn to a large painting at the beginning of an exhibit entitled “Becoming America.” It was a painting by Minerva Teichert, whose style I easily recognized from the plethora of religious artwork I had […]

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The Need for Nurture

The Need for Nurture

What does it mean to nurture? In my backyard garden, it sometimes means to start seeds in a tray set near a sunny window inside. Then after weeks of careful encouragement, to move the resulting small plants outside into larger pots filled with rich soil where the plants can continue to grow happily and well. When the plants are bigger and stronger, I move them […]

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